Friday, September 30, 2011

We're (most likely) having a .......

Well yesterday (9/29/2011) we had our ultrasound and although it's not going to be 100% until our confirmation appointment on the 27th of October the Dr. said it appeared to be a.....


He made sure to tell us not to buy any pink or go crazy because there is always a chance he could be wrong since I'm so early. So we only got one little outfit and we're waiting on the rest. I've had a feeling it was a girl since day one so I'm completely convinced but it's better to be safe than sorry! :)
Our ultrasound was SO AMAZING! I really can't even begin to describe it! The baby was seriously like doubled in size and was looking like a little human! She was so active and bouncing all over the place. The Dr. said no wonder I was feeling movement so early, she was a little jumping bean. (I neglected to tell him that it may have been the cherry coke I chugged before we went in so she would be moving around for a crotch shot hahaha). The only time I've ever gonna want my little girl spread eagle was yesterday...and the 27th haha. It was just so cool and made everything feel SO REAL. I mean with our other ultrasounds it was clear we were having a baby haha, but there is just something different seeing your baby actually look like a baby and on top of that being able to put a name to these little flutters I feel occasionally =]

As the blogging world already knows, we decided to name our frilly, prissy little princess

Farrah Whitley Rowe

Ah, so exciting! I think I'm more thrilled today than I was yesterday! I definitely had to let it sink in a little bit! 

Anyways.. thats about all I got for now! :) 
Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

15 week post! :)

Pregnancy updates:
Symptom wise, I'm feeling fabulous in my 2nd trimester! I've been getting headaches a lot recently but I think thats just because I'm not drinking enough water & I've really been on the go! 
I definitely need to step that up, not that I have a choice. Jamey assigns me how many water bottles I have to drink and is tattletaling to my Dr! hahaha. He's crazy! I usually only drink water and maybe some sweet tea during the day it's just that I don't drink a lot in general. Like pre pregnancy a bottle of water could last me all day. Its really strange. But I'm working on it!

Weight gain:
Pre pregnancy my weight fluctuates between 125-130 
I was 130 at my first OB appointment (I blame Jamey's homecoming and us going out to eat all the time haha)
and now I'm 15 weeks and 131 lbs. So I haven't been gaining much but I haven't lost any either so I'm pretty happy about it. I was blessed with a really great metabolism. If you could see the way I eat, what I eat, and when I eat it and then compare that to the amount of exercise I get... you'd probably assume I was severely overweight. I need to stop relying on that because I know at some point it's going to catch up to me.. and this pregnancy has been the perfect opportunity to start going walking at the gym and add a lot more fruits and veggies to my diet. So I'm really really realllyyyy trying, hopefully I keep it up all the whole pregnancy!

Next appointment:
September 29th!
We're getting an ultrasound and drawing blood for the down syndrome test! 
I'm pretty nervous about that
buttttttt my excitement for hopefully finding out the sex outweighs it completely!
Jamey and I are like kids on christmas just waiting for next thursday!! 
We have a babies r us shopping date right afterwards :)

Today, 9/22/2011, was the first day I felt the baby move :)
Jamey had left for PT and while I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep I felt the little baby flutters :) I didn't know exactly what it was, but suspected the baby so I pushed on my belly trying to get him/her to do it again and it did! :))) I was thrilled! I texted Jamey and then we danced around the kitchen when he got home haha :)
This is seriously the most exciting time in our lives. I feel so blessed for this little miracle <3

Alright well that's about all of my pregnancy updates and I have a bunch of stuff to do so I'm gonna get off here. I'm gonna try to not write another one till the 29th :] wish us luckkk!!

All about Meghan:

My photo
Fort Hood, TX, United States
Blessed with the most fabulous princess on the planet, married to a man I cannot stop kissing, & studying to become a nurse! :)