Wednesday, December 14, 2011

27 weeks!!

Holy cow! 27 weeks already?? Cannot believe that next thursday I'll be in my THIRD and FINAL TRIMESTER!!! *deeeeeep breathhh, high pitched squeal, deeeeep breathhh*

I've been crafting up a storm this past week
baby leggings
you name it, I've been making it or trying to :)
its definitely been making the time go by faster!
Now I'm just trying to keep myself from redecorating her room. I found another crib set that I'm so obsessed with it almost hurts hahaha. I should probably just stop looking at stuff online all together but it's like a sick addiction lol.

I swear during my next video I'm actually going to do my hair and put on something other than a tshirt, haha
anywhoooo... here's my 27 week video blog!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Long time no blog! :-)

Wow it's been a while since my last post!
Hope everyone is doing fabulously! Christmas is just around the corner so since we've been back from our vacation I've mostly been decorating and getting ready for the Holidays! 

Everything has been going wonderful this past month. We had a great vacation and we're just adjusting back to normal life. Farrah started hiccuping on our trip and now we can watch her move & dance around my belly :) Our princess is learning new tricks everyday :)) It's been really cool for Jamey because she's so much more interactive now.. he can push on my belly or talk to her and she'll kick and flutter around for him almost every time =]

25 week pregnancy vlog:

All about Meghan:

My photo
Fort Hood, TX, United States
Blessed with the most fabulous princess on the planet, married to a man I cannot stop kissing, & studying to become a nurse! :)