Monday, October 17, 2011


Well we got the sex confirmed.. we are DEFINITELY having a little princess <3
We got a video of her to take back home & show our family and got pictures! She's SO big now! And still super active! She was moving all over the place and just being adorable! :)

Jamey with the ultrasound :]

The three lines that show she is a princess :)

Farrah sucking her thumb 

The back of her perfect widdle body!

Side shot!

Mid summersault haha, we have a little gymnast on our hands!

Our first shopping trip afterwards :)) haha

Farrah was happy and healthy! We never got a call back from our doctors office about our down syndrome results. They say that they only call if they find something bad so I'm feeling super relaxed! I love walking in our nursery and not having any second guesses about the sex. It's just so... calming. I've been so super on the go and freaking out this whole pregnancy... now that the gender is definite, the room is basically done, the necessities are purchased, and we're just working on the little stuff, I finally feel so at peace at like I can take it easy from here on out. I do have to say, I'm glad I started early. I used my energy while I had it and now the further along I get, and the more tired I become it's all alright because everything is in order and done!

Next pregnancy vlog: Oct. 27th <3

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hello belly & 18 week vlogggg :)

Some still shots of the nursery :]

woahhhhh :)
Baby's got belly!

Hello there little Farrah Whitley :)
She definitely decided to make her presence known this week! 

I'm going to get an ultrasound on Tuesday :)
Can't wait to see our little angel.
Everytime we go she looks SO much bigger than the last.
this time I get a DVD and pictures so Im really excited :]
We dunno if Jamey is going to get to go yet, but we're hoping. He hasn't missed an appt. yet so here's to hoping this isn't the first! :)

And here is a quick little 18 week pregnancy vlog.. after some stuff happened this week I decided to do one before our gender confirmation. Including a tour of the nursery and a little side belly shot! :)))
Enjoyyyy =]

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Well.. post finding out about having a little girl life has been fabulous :)
It's such an amazing feeling to be able to call your baby by name. To day dream and plan for her, to buy outfits and know that in a few short months she'll be in our arms wearing them. I think finding out we're having a little girl was definitely a big adjustment for Jamey.. as much as he denies it haha. He completely convinced himself that we were having a boy haha. But seeing him embrace the thought of having a little girl.. and talking about how he's gonna protect her, watching him sing along to "cleaning this gun" and saying thats what his life is gonna be like in 15 years, and even stuff as simple as helping me pick out frilly pink little outfits makes my heart melt. This little girl is gonna own him and he can't even tell that it's already happening. I don't think anything can top all the joy and excitement that comes along with your first pregnancy. Not knowing what to expect and figuring it all out together... I know we're gonna remember every moment of this for the rest of our lives. So I'm just trying to make every moment count.

So... I promised that I wouldn't BUY a bunch of stuff yet, but I didn't say a thing about making anything! So these next few weeks are being dedicated to making tutu's, headbands, hair bows, dresses, and hopefully a baby blanket =]

In other newsss:
I'm starting to coupon. I've tried it a couple times but it never stuck. However, after watching a marathon of extreme couponers I feel ridiculous for not trying to get some of those savings! I don't want to be crazy and buy tons of stuff I don't need just because I can get it for cheap or free with a coupon, but I definitely think with a baby on the way not spending an hour a week clipping coupons to help us out is just plain silly. So this time I'm jumping in head first. I bought the book "Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey" by a lady on the show extreme couponers. And I have to say, I'm a visual person.. so seeing everything written out has definitely been like an "ahh haa" moment for me. The concept of coupons is really easy, it's just deciding that you're going to do it, getting to know store policies, and building up a coupon binder so that you can really make a difference with savings. I read the whole book in about an hour and I'm so gung-ho it's a little ridiculous haha, But this Sunday I'll be collecting my inserts, clipping my coupons, organizing my binder, and starting off slow with this whole thing till I get the hang of it! I'll post updates about how much progress I'm making and anything I learn along the way to help other 'coupon virgins' :)

Yesterday (Friday) we went over to a friends house for a cookout, then a bunch of other guys from the unit and their wifeys came out for some beer pong. We had such a good time! All our husbands have been in Afghan together for a year so they're all super close.. I really love that all the wives get along so well too. It's becoming a weekly or bi weekly thing for us all to have a cookout & get together, plus then when the men go hunting the wives have been getting together for a girls day! Ya can't beat it! :)

I'm going to start my weekly pregnancy portraits next week!! I've been taking snap shots here and there but now that I'm getting a little bit of a belly I'm gonna start on my little project I've been waiting for! I'm so excited! :)) I've been watching some of my friends pregnancy vlogs and it's such a cute idea! I might do a couple videos but I think I'll do them biweekly starting at 20 weeks when we get our confirmation and I'm a bit bigger.. and maybe then doing them weekly at 30 weeks. It seems faster than typing all this out. 

All about Meghan:

My photo
Fort Hood, TX, United States
Blessed with the most fabulous princess on the planet, married to a man I cannot stop kissing, & studying to become a nurse! :)