Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30 weeks! :)

 Happy 30 weeks to my little sweet pea :)

My pregnancy vlog this week:

This past week has been amazing! Here's all the stuff that's gone on:

Her nursery is finished! 

It only took about two days once we got everything in!
I absolutely adore it!
It is seriously the cutest, girliest, most frilly thing ever :)

We got our 3d/4d ultrasound done!

She is soooo cute!!

I passed my glucose test!

My score was 111!
I didn't realize I was going to take the test that day so I woke up and had breakfast, got sonic on my way, ate some starbucks in the waiting room, and slurped up my giant cherry limeade before I found out I had to take it. Keep in mind you're supposed to fast for before you take your test and people fail for a piece of gum or piece of candy.. so after I took it I was convinced I was going to have to take the second 3 hr one! Turns out everything was normal and I don't! woo hoo!

& I have one of my two maternity shoots tomorrow! :))

It's a boudoir type maternity shoot
I'm pretty excited to step out of the box a little and do something I've never done. Plus..the husband sure was excited to see me find some outfits haha. It's nothing super sexy or anything, I'd say it's more beautiful than sexy. He might disagree;)
This one is just of me... a photographer in the area is adding to their portfolio so I'm just kinda offering myself as her model in whatever direction she wants to go.
Our next maternity shoot is on the 21st for both Jamey and I. I'm gonna have a little more control of that shoot and I'm excited to get some ideas and get creative with it :)

Time is FLYINGGGGG and we're so excited! I think it's so lucky that Jamey and I have our birthdays and valentines day in february to help push the month past and get us to MARCH!
Can't wait to meet our little girl!

All about Meghan:

My photo
Fort Hood, TX, United States
Blessed with the most fabulous princess on the planet, married to a man I cannot stop kissing, & studying to become a nurse! :)