Wednesday, December 14, 2011

27 weeks!!

Holy cow! 27 weeks already?? Cannot believe that next thursday I'll be in my THIRD and FINAL TRIMESTER!!! *deeeeeep breathhh, high pitched squeal, deeeeep breathhh*

I've been crafting up a storm this past week
baby leggings
you name it, I've been making it or trying to :)
its definitely been making the time go by faster!
Now I'm just trying to keep myself from redecorating her room. I found another crib set that I'm so obsessed with it almost hurts hahaha. I should probably just stop looking at stuff online all together but it's like a sick addiction lol.

I swear during my next video I'm actually going to do my hair and put on something other than a tshirt, haha
anywhoooo... here's my 27 week video blog!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Long time no blog! :-)

Wow it's been a while since my last post!
Hope everyone is doing fabulously! Christmas is just around the corner so since we've been back from our vacation I've mostly been decorating and getting ready for the Holidays! 

Everything has been going wonderful this past month. We had a great vacation and we're just adjusting back to normal life. Farrah started hiccuping on our trip and now we can watch her move & dance around my belly :) Our princess is learning new tricks everyday :)) It's been really cool for Jamey because she's so much more interactive now.. he can push on my belly or talk to her and she'll kick and flutter around for him almost every time =]

25 week pregnancy vlog:

Monday, October 17, 2011


Well we got the sex confirmed.. we are DEFINITELY having a little princess <3
We got a video of her to take back home & show our family and got pictures! She's SO big now! And still super active! She was moving all over the place and just being adorable! :)

Jamey with the ultrasound :]

The three lines that show she is a princess :)

Farrah sucking her thumb 

The back of her perfect widdle body!

Side shot!

Mid summersault haha, we have a little gymnast on our hands!

Our first shopping trip afterwards :)) haha

Farrah was happy and healthy! We never got a call back from our doctors office about our down syndrome results. They say that they only call if they find something bad so I'm feeling super relaxed! I love walking in our nursery and not having any second guesses about the sex. It's just so... calming. I've been so super on the go and freaking out this whole pregnancy... now that the gender is definite, the room is basically done, the necessities are purchased, and we're just working on the little stuff, I finally feel so at peace at like I can take it easy from here on out. I do have to say, I'm glad I started early. I used my energy while I had it and now the further along I get, and the more tired I become it's all alright because everything is in order and done!

Next pregnancy vlog: Oct. 27th <3

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hello belly & 18 week vlogggg :)

Some still shots of the nursery :]

woahhhhh :)
Baby's got belly!

Hello there little Farrah Whitley :)
She definitely decided to make her presence known this week! 

I'm going to get an ultrasound on Tuesday :)
Can't wait to see our little angel.
Everytime we go she looks SO much bigger than the last.
this time I get a DVD and pictures so Im really excited :]
We dunno if Jamey is going to get to go yet, but we're hoping. He hasn't missed an appt. yet so here's to hoping this isn't the first! :)

And here is a quick little 18 week pregnancy vlog.. after some stuff happened this week I decided to do one before our gender confirmation. Including a tour of the nursery and a little side belly shot! :)))
Enjoyyyy =]

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Well.. post finding out about having a little girl life has been fabulous :)
It's such an amazing feeling to be able to call your baby by name. To day dream and plan for her, to buy outfits and know that in a few short months she'll be in our arms wearing them. I think finding out we're having a little girl was definitely a big adjustment for Jamey.. as much as he denies it haha. He completely convinced himself that we were having a boy haha. But seeing him embrace the thought of having a little girl.. and talking about how he's gonna protect her, watching him sing along to "cleaning this gun" and saying thats what his life is gonna be like in 15 years, and even stuff as simple as helping me pick out frilly pink little outfits makes my heart melt. This little girl is gonna own him and he can't even tell that it's already happening. I don't think anything can top all the joy and excitement that comes along with your first pregnancy. Not knowing what to expect and figuring it all out together... I know we're gonna remember every moment of this for the rest of our lives. So I'm just trying to make every moment count.

So... I promised that I wouldn't BUY a bunch of stuff yet, but I didn't say a thing about making anything! So these next few weeks are being dedicated to making tutu's, headbands, hair bows, dresses, and hopefully a baby blanket =]

In other newsss:
I'm starting to coupon. I've tried it a couple times but it never stuck. However, after watching a marathon of extreme couponers I feel ridiculous for not trying to get some of those savings! I don't want to be crazy and buy tons of stuff I don't need just because I can get it for cheap or free with a coupon, but I definitely think with a baby on the way not spending an hour a week clipping coupons to help us out is just plain silly. So this time I'm jumping in head first. I bought the book "Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey" by a lady on the show extreme couponers. And I have to say, I'm a visual person.. so seeing everything written out has definitely been like an "ahh haa" moment for me. The concept of coupons is really easy, it's just deciding that you're going to do it, getting to know store policies, and building up a coupon binder so that you can really make a difference with savings. I read the whole book in about an hour and I'm so gung-ho it's a little ridiculous haha, But this Sunday I'll be collecting my inserts, clipping my coupons, organizing my binder, and starting off slow with this whole thing till I get the hang of it! I'll post updates about how much progress I'm making and anything I learn along the way to help other 'coupon virgins' :)

Yesterday (Friday) we went over to a friends house for a cookout, then a bunch of other guys from the unit and their wifeys came out for some beer pong. We had such a good time! All our husbands have been in Afghan together for a year so they're all super close.. I really love that all the wives get along so well too. It's becoming a weekly or bi weekly thing for us all to have a cookout & get together, plus then when the men go hunting the wives have been getting together for a girls day! Ya can't beat it! :)

I'm going to start my weekly pregnancy portraits next week!! I've been taking snap shots here and there but now that I'm getting a little bit of a belly I'm gonna start on my little project I've been waiting for! I'm so excited! :)) I've been watching some of my friends pregnancy vlogs and it's such a cute idea! I might do a couple videos but I think I'll do them biweekly starting at 20 weeks when we get our confirmation and I'm a bit bigger.. and maybe then doing them weekly at 30 weeks. It seems faster than typing all this out. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

We're (most likely) having a .......

Well yesterday (9/29/2011) we had our ultrasound and although it's not going to be 100% until our confirmation appointment on the 27th of October the Dr. said it appeared to be a.....


He made sure to tell us not to buy any pink or go crazy because there is always a chance he could be wrong since I'm so early. So we only got one little outfit and we're waiting on the rest. I've had a feeling it was a girl since day one so I'm completely convinced but it's better to be safe than sorry! :)
Our ultrasound was SO AMAZING! I really can't even begin to describe it! The baby was seriously like doubled in size and was looking like a little human! She was so active and bouncing all over the place. The Dr. said no wonder I was feeling movement so early, she was a little jumping bean. (I neglected to tell him that it may have been the cherry coke I chugged before we went in so she would be moving around for a crotch shot hahaha). The only time I've ever gonna want my little girl spread eagle was yesterday...and the 27th haha. It was just so cool and made everything feel SO REAL. I mean with our other ultrasounds it was clear we were having a baby haha, but there is just something different seeing your baby actually look like a baby and on top of that being able to put a name to these little flutters I feel occasionally =]

As the blogging world already knows, we decided to name our frilly, prissy little princess

Farrah Whitley Rowe

Ah, so exciting! I think I'm more thrilled today than I was yesterday! I definitely had to let it sink in a little bit! 

Anyways.. thats about all I got for now! :) 
Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

15 week post! :)

Pregnancy updates:
Symptom wise, I'm feeling fabulous in my 2nd trimester! I've been getting headaches a lot recently but I think thats just because I'm not drinking enough water & I've really been on the go! 
I definitely need to step that up, not that I have a choice. Jamey assigns me how many water bottles I have to drink and is tattletaling to my Dr! hahaha. He's crazy! I usually only drink water and maybe some sweet tea during the day it's just that I don't drink a lot in general. Like pre pregnancy a bottle of water could last me all day. Its really strange. But I'm working on it!

Weight gain:
Pre pregnancy my weight fluctuates between 125-130 
I was 130 at my first OB appointment (I blame Jamey's homecoming and us going out to eat all the time haha)
and now I'm 15 weeks and 131 lbs. So I haven't been gaining much but I haven't lost any either so I'm pretty happy about it. I was blessed with a really great metabolism. If you could see the way I eat, what I eat, and when I eat it and then compare that to the amount of exercise I get... you'd probably assume I was severely overweight. I need to stop relying on that because I know at some point it's going to catch up to me.. and this pregnancy has been the perfect opportunity to start going walking at the gym and add a lot more fruits and veggies to my diet. So I'm really really realllyyyy trying, hopefully I keep it up all the whole pregnancy!

Next appointment:
September 29th!
We're getting an ultrasound and drawing blood for the down syndrome test! 
I'm pretty nervous about that
buttttttt my excitement for hopefully finding out the sex outweighs it completely!
Jamey and I are like kids on christmas just waiting for next thursday!! 
We have a babies r us shopping date right afterwards :)

Today, 9/22/2011, was the first day I felt the baby move :)
Jamey had left for PT and while I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep I felt the little baby flutters :) I didn't know exactly what it was, but suspected the baby so I pushed on my belly trying to get him/her to do it again and it did! :))) I was thrilled! I texted Jamey and then we danced around the kitchen when he got home haha :)
This is seriously the most exciting time in our lives. I feel so blessed for this little miracle <3

Alright well that's about all of my pregnancy updates and I have a bunch of stuff to do so I'm gonna get off here. I'm gonna try to not write another one till the 29th :] wish us luckkk!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Baby names or bust :]

We picked out baby names today!
And I'm BEYONDDDDD ecstatic! 

We were having trouble coming up with stuff we both liked so we set today as the date to go to barnes & noble... look through every baby book and not leave till we found one for each sex that we LOVE <3
and luckily.. we did just that :] 

We decided to wait to share our baby names until we find out the sex.. besides close family & friends of course! So basically its taking everything I have not to blab (I'm horrible with secrets!!!) haha.
so hopefully I can hold out! 

Well that's all for now!
Have a fabulous day ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's officially the day! Our furniture arrives this morning! :] WOO HOO!
We woke up flat on the floor via air mattress with a hole in it for the LAST time
tonight my bed resting bootayyyy will be nice & cozy in our bed!
Thankkkkk gooodnessssss!

I've decided since this day is already heading in a fabulous direction I might as well keep it that way.
About to fry up some bacon for breakfast, make a starbucks run, and then jump in the shower
so I don't scare the moving people ;) haha

And I'm super excited that the rest of our nursery stuff will get here! Our basinett, crib mattress, swing, bouncer, temporary bedding *the bedding I'm going to use as my reference when I start trying to make ours*, cute little baby blankets, and all that jazz :) So I'm super excited! I love walking past the baby's room and it actually looking like a nursery. I just sit in there all the time day dreaming :) Hopefully I can drag my husband to Lowe's to finish my last baby project! It's gonna be so stinkin' cute!

Hmmm.. day to day life..
Not a whole lot is new. Jamey got a new tattoo.
It's a bible verse on his rib cage. It looks really good!
Now I'm just waiting for it to heal cause I just gravitate towards accidently touching it/hitting it/running into it hahaha.

Yesterday was a pretty awesome day. Super simple but we just had a really great time spending the day together :)

Well that's it for now
I'll be sure & post pictures after our stuff gets here!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Well last Friday baby & I had another ER visit exactly like the last time. And everything ended the same way as well... baby's healthy, I'm healthy, and they can't find any reason for this to be happening besides the fact that it's my first pregnancy and my body is just getting used to this change. As long as the baby's heartbeat stays strong, my cervix stays closed, and my hormone levels are continuing to rise then I can handle a couple scares. The only fun thing about all this was getting to see the baby... my little prince or princess actually looks like a baby instead of a blob! Perfect little arms and legs, strong heartbeat, and moving all around :) Ah, it was the best feeling in the world, I'm doing a horrible job of doing it justice. I can't wait for Jamey to experience it too.

Important Dates:

August 29th - Follow up appt. & first time Jamey gets to see the baby
September 8th - 2 year wedding anniversary
September 26th - FINDING OUT THE SEX <3

Well that's about it, just wanted to throw out these little updates!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
I'll be here, trying to follow my bed rest rules haha

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hormonal meltdowns & other life updates

Well, we're at week 9 of my pregnancy! So far, so good:)
I'm so ready for a cute little bump.. I'm rocking that awkward stage where it just looks like I gained a few pounds haha, and that.. I am not a fan of lol. 

What's been new? Either my hormones are more out of whack this week or I'm crazy. hahaha
I seriously have the most uncontrollable urges to cry.. all.the.time. 
I know it's ridiculous, I actually think to myself "Seriously, Meghan? when I feel the tears coming on, but there is no control over it. And it happens everywhere!!! If I hear a sweet or sad song while I'm in a store, guess what? There is a good possibility I'm having a pep talk in my head to get myself together before making a crying spectacle of myself haha. This would be the time where an actual baby bump would come in handy haha. 

We got our Costco membership & I'm so happy we did! We're getting our meat, pastas, drinks, shampoos, basically stuff we go through a lot of and can buy in bulk and our first trip at Costco and going to Walmart to get our non bulk items chopped our normal grocery trip $$$ in half. And everything we got at Costco will last the month instead of 2 weeks, so I'm excited to see how much we spend (or don't spend!) on next payday :)

I'm about to lose my mind if we don't get our furniture soon. It's shipping out of Fort Hood tomorrow so hopefully it'll actually get here before their estimated delivery date of the 23rd. I'm so over this air mattress. It sucks. And I'm tired of sleeping, eating, hanging out, watching tv, and being on the computer all in the same uncomfortable place. My back is hating me more and more every day. 

Well I should get going. My house never seems to stay clean during the weekends so I've got a lot to do today. Here's to hoping this motivation lasts all day. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hooray for nursery stuff :]

We're ordering our crib, changer, and glider for the nursery this week
And next week we're ordering our dresser :)

I absolutely cannot wait to get our stuff
(yes, of course I must get it express shipped)
And set it all up!
Originially I was in love with white furniture! And I still am, but decided to go with espresso.
I feel like that goes with our house & our furniture more. So that's what we decided to get.
I'm so in love with every single piece <3

Our 2 year wedding anniversary is in less than a month
September 8
so we've been discussing our anniversary and what we want to do.
Usually I like for Jamey to pick out my gift on his own, I think it's more special that way.. but this time I was pretty specific! I have a lot of ideas for the nursery and a sewing machine would help out temendously! I really want to make my own bedding. The bedding I love is in the 300-400 dollar price range and I'm not an expert sewer by any means.. but how hard can a bumper, a sheet, and a crib skirt really be? I've made a blanket and a pillow before so I have touched a sewing machine a time or two... but it's probably going to take tutorial after tutorial to get down what I want. But the plus will be a totally custom bedding set for 1/10 of the price! And eventually I'd love to learn how to make other things so I think a sewing machine would be perfect for all the ideas I have! :) So, stay tuned for what I'm sure will be a hilarious journey into my inner sewing genius ;)

Now just to convince the husband to get me it earlyyyy :P haha

In other news..
I got all my stuff switched with Tricare!
They started to be a huge pain in my butt when they assigned me to the clinic I specifically asked not to be assigned to and THEN tried to tell me I wouldn't get my first ultrasound until I was 17-18 weeks! Yeah right! Especially after our ER scare, I would like a follow up ultrasound... and not 10-11 weeks after the incident! I know we got to see that baby was perfectly ok that night.. but I just want to be sure everything is still moving in the right direction. Not to be a downer ... but if it's not or if I were to miscarry.. I wouldn't want to go 17-18 weeks thinking I was pregnant just to find out on my first ultrasound that something was wrong. I just think thats insane. So anywayysss.. I went to switch to tricare standard (which involves co-pays vs. totally free tricare prime) and after a tear or two I got ahold of an incredibly nice woman who assigned me to a doctor off post and kept me on tricare prime! So all is well and in order which is great! I did some doctor research because I still have to get a refferal from my new primary care dr. to whatever OB I want to see and I'm between two doctors I've gotten multiple recommendations from. So I scheduled a new patient consultation with both, hopefully I'll really connect with one and life will be smooth sailing from here on out :)

Well... the Sons of Anarchy seasons are playing so I'm off to watch with Jamey.
Hope everyone has a great night!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby on the way :)

You read right... we're expecting a baby Rowe in March of 2012! :) We are so beyond excited about this wonderful news & are already enjoying this little miracle! Jamey is so adorably thrilled. He's made me breakfast in bed since we found out & says goodnight to me and my belly every night :) This is such an exciting time for us, I plan to sit back and enjoy every single second of the next nine months! I had my first doctors appointment yesterday to confirm my pregnancy and today I get to schedule our first ultrasound! :)

Here are some pics! :)

We did the cooky gender prediction thing with my wedding band and it predicts a girl, we shall see:) That would make Jamey one happy man!

All about Meghan:

My photo
Fort Hood, TX, United States
Blessed with the most fabulous princess on the planet, married to a man I cannot stop kissing, & studying to become a nurse! :)